Tuesday, August 11, 2015


Today your child learned all about Achieve3000.  This is an online reading website with informational text that all students in my classroom are using.  It is an excellent resource for practicing reading because the text is leveled based on your child's pre-assessment score.  Students are encouraged to visit this website at home to practice their reading.  This can count as their 20 minutes of homework each night.  After reading the article, please make sure that your child completes the activity when it is offered.  This is great practice for strengthening comprehension.

Username-wcp and lunch number (no spaces)
Password-wcp and lunch number (no spaces)

Big Universe

Dear Parents,
This year, our school will be using Big Universe, an award winning online literacy platform designed to instill the love for reading, writing, and learning in your students. We are excited about this literacy tool and think you will be happy to know this resource is accessible 24/7 at home on any device.
To get your child started at home, please follow these easy steps:
1.    Go to www.biguniverse.com and click Sign In
2.    Enter your account information:
                Username: WCP(Lunch Number)
                Password:  (Lunch Number)
                Group Username:  wcpss