Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Message from Ms. Stephenson-Art Teacher

Another Exciting Art Residency Coming To Banks Road—

During this year’s Artist in Residency, every student at Banks Road will get to experience working with a professional artist during their art special.  January 21st through 28th  we will be hosting the environmental artist Bryant Holsenbeck. The students will participate in her “Weaving Like a Bird” residency where they will use recycled materials, string, yarn, old sheets etc to weave a wall sculpture that will be installed in the school.

We need everyone’s help collecting fabric for us to use in our artwork! Please send in scrap fabric, old sheets or curtains, ribbons, and yarn! The more colorful, the better! If you would like to contribute but don’t have these things lying around, gift cards to fabric stores like Joanne’s Fabric would be very helpful and much appreciated as well.  Also, keep a look out for information on ways to volunteer to help with this residency.

Our art teacher, Ms. Stephenson, will collect all contributions. Please send in contributions through your child or bring them in to the office with Attn: Ms. Stephenson. She will begin accepting them immediately. Thank you for your support of Banks Road Visual Arts!

For more information about Bryant Holsenbeck’s Residencies check out her web page at:

Contact Ms. Stephenson with any questions- mstephenson@wcpss.net

Thanks everyone!!

Megan Stephenson
Visual Art
Banks Road Elementary School