Sunday, August 3, 2014


I can't believe our first week of second grade has already come and gone!  I hope your child enjoyed their first week of the 2014-2015 school year :)  We spent a lot of time practicing classroom procedures and reviewing expectations.  Almost every student turned in their homework this past Friday-thank you!  If your child did not turn in his or her homework, please send it is as soon as possible.  Reminder:  Homework is due every Friday and students will spend time working during STARS Friday if it is not turned in.  Thank you in advance for supporting your child with this procedure.

Practice Work Versus Assessments:  Each Friday, your child will bring home their Friday folder with practice work they completed throughout the week.  You will see a P written on this work.  Please review the work with your child for mistakes, as I glance over this work but do not always check every problem for accuracy.  If you see work in your child's green daily folder on the side that says "return to school", please review the grade (score of 1, 2, 3, or 4) and initial to indicate that you have seen the work.  Please return the work back to school the following day.  These assignments will be used as a formal grade.  

Lunch: Our lunch time is each day at 11:55.  You are welcome to come eat with your child any day!

Volunteers:  If you are interested in volunteering, please stop by the office to renew your application. Volunteers must be approved before volunteering in the classroom or joining us on field trips.

As always, please email me with any questions or concerns.  I am looking forward to a great year in second grade!

Ms. Bishop