Wednesday, September 29, 2010

NC State Students

I'm sure that your child has informed you, but we are hosting 2 NC State students (Ms. Michelle and Ms. Callie) this semester in our classroom. We are very excited to have them join us to learn about life in the first grade classroom! They will be visiting us from time to time throughout the semester and completing several assignments with our class.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Progress Updates

FYI: Progress updates for the first quarter will be given out at our first parent/teacher conference. If you have not already scheduled a conference with me, please do so ASAP. Thanks!

Friday, September 17, 2010

Homework for week of Sept. 20th

Next week your child will be bringing home 4 math sheets. On a couple of the math worksheets, your child will need to write labels to go along with the word problems. For example, if you see 7 cars in the parking lot-more cars come and now there are 9 cars. Students would need to write 2 more cars came. The answer would be 2 and the label would be cars. Since we have been talking a lot about writing equations, I wanted to clarify the homework directions for next week.

In addition, I want to let everyone know that some weeks students will bring home 4 math worksheets but on other weeks, they may only bring home 3. All assigned homework can be found in your child's weekly homework folder. Students are expected to be reading each night for 10-15 minutes as well. I will begin sending home the monthly reading logs starting in October. Thank you for all that you do to help your child be successful with their homework!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Thank you so much to everyone who purchased books from Scholastic for the month of September. We met our classroom goal of $200 and we received lots of free books! I am sending home order forms again for the month of October in your child's Friday folder this coming Friday. Please do not feel obligated or pressured to purchase books this month. I did however want to send the forms home in case anyone was interested in purchasing books again. Scholastic books make excellent Christmas presents! I will be glad to purchase books for your child and hold them in the classroom for you to pick up if requested. If you choose to purchase books, please send in the order form and money by Friday, September 24th. Cash (exact amount) or a check made payable to Scholastic will be accepted. Thank you!

Share Time

The students have been very excited about sharing items with their classmates. I have enjoyed learning more about your child's interests as well. Starting on Monday, I will not allow students to share toys or stuffed animals unless they relate to something we are learning about in class. For example, if your child has a book to go along with his/her stuffed animal, then they are more than welcome to bring both to share on their assigned share day. Please refrain from sending in expensive and/or breakable items. Please note: our daily share time is optional and students are not required to bring anything in on their assigned share day. Thank you and please let me know if you have any questions about share.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Rainbow Words Update

The students are doing an excellent job with their spelling homework. I will be updating the rainbow words for your child as soon as I have assessed them again. My goal is to update their color by the end of next week.

Book It-Pizza Hut

Book It is a program that is offered by Pizza Hut. Starting in October, I will be sending home a reading log for your child. Please record books/time read and turn the form back in at the end of each month. At the end of each month, I will send home a free pizza coupon to each student who has read at least 40-45 minutes each week.