Thursday, August 21, 2014


This must be completed if you plan to volunteer in the classroom or on our field trip this school year. Thanks!

Reactivation for Continuing Volunteers

·         All continuing volunteers approved for the 2013-2014 school year MUST reactivate as a volunteer no later than 4:00 p.m. on October 31, 2014. Volunteers may go to any WCPSS site and register through the intranet.  Access to the volunteer system is:  WCPSS Intranet – Business Applications – Volunteer Registration.
·         After October 31, 2014, individuals previously approved may not volunteer without a new criminal record check.  To avoid unnecessary costs to the school system, principals and their staff should encourage continuing volunteers to reactivate early in the school year – and no later than October 31, 2014. 
·         The volunteer system will be open daily for reactivation/registration from July 1, 2014, through October 31, 2014 for 24 hours a day. 
·         From November 3, 2014, through May 18, 2015, the volunteer system will be open on Mondays only, from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm.  However, during this time period, the volunteer system will be closed on the following Mondays:  December 22, 2014, December 29, 2014, and January 19, 2015.
New Activation
·         Any new volunteer applicants for the 2014-2015 school year must register and have an approved criminal record check prior to engaging in volunteer work.  Applicants may register at any WCPSS site through the intranet.  Access to the volunteer system is:  WCPSS Intranet – Business Applications – Volunteer Registration.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014


On September 11, Strawbridge will be coming back to do retake/absence pictures for tracks 2, 3, and 4.  Students who weren't here on picture day can come to the office to pick up a form, students who want their pictures retaken must bring in original pictures in order to have their pictures retaken.  

*I have not received track 4 pictures yet but I will send them home as soon as I do.  

Letterland Activity List

Letterland Activity List

- Choose 10 words from the list and write them 3 times each (ex: cat, cat, cat)
- Choose 10 words from the list and write them 3 times backwards (ex: cat = tac, tac, tac)
- Choose 10 words from the list to write with your opposite writing hand
- Choose 10 words from the list to write in chalk on the paper.
- Choose 10 words from the list to make flash cards of.  (cut up the paper into smaller pieces and write the words on one side.  Quiz yourself by reading them 3 times.)
- Choose 10 words from the list and blue vowel write them.  (blue vowel writing means that the kids write the word normal, but the vowels are written in blue crayon instead of pencil) 
- Write 5 sentences and try to include at least 10 words from the list 
- Write at least half of the words in ABC order.   
- Write a story with at least 10 words from the list.  
- Choose 10 words from the list and type them 3 times each.  (ex: dog, dog, dog)
- Choose 10 words from the list and paint them on a piece of paper. 
- Choose 10 words from the list and pyramid write them. 
- Choose 12 words from the list and write them 1 time with all uppercase letters and 1 time with all lowercase letters.  Example: CAKE and cake
- Choose 10 words from the list and write them 2 times with fancy letters
                                                                                   Example: cake or cake or cake
- Choose 10 words from the list.  Then find, cut, and glue letters from old magazines or newspapers to make the words. 
- Choose 15 words from the list.  Draw a picture and hide those words within the picture.  Have someone else circle the words as they find them.
- Choose 10 words from the list and look them up in the dictionary.  Write the word and definition on the paper given.     

What have we been learning in class?

In math, we have been learning strategies to help us quickly add and subtract.  The students have been applying these strategies to given word problems, as well as creating their own word problems for classmates to practice with.  As a class, we will continue to focus on explaining our thinking in many different forms (numbers, pictures, and words).  We will continue practicing writing detailed sentences to explain how we got our answers! 

In reading, we have been focusing on asking and answering questions with both fiction and non-fiction text. We have also spent a lot of time reviewing the rules and procedures of Daily Five and practicing our three centers back to back.  These centers include Read to Self, Listen To Reading, Word Work, Read to Someone, and Work on Writing.  At first, I will be making the daily center choices for the kids.  As we talk more about making good choices with our centers, the kids will take over and choose what centers they want to go to each day. 

In writing, we are currently finishing up our first small moment piece and publishing.  The students are excited about our first writer's celebration in class with cookies and juice.  

In social studies, we have been learning about how to be a good citizen at school and in our community/country.  We have also focused on our government and historical figures within it. I am amazed at how much the students have already learned about government in second grade!   

In science, we will begin learning about air and weather soon!

Lastly, I wanted to clarify the difference between practice work and assessments.
- Practice work will come home on Fridays in your child's manilla folder with some kind of symbol on it.  Whether that be a check, star, or a smile on it.  Please review this work with your child for mistakes, as I glance over this work but do not always check every problem for accuracy.  You may keep this work at home. 
- Assessments will come home throughout the week, in your child's green homework folder.  If you see work in your child's green daily folder on the side that says "return to school", please review the grade (score of 1, 2, 3, or 4) and sign it to indicate that you have seen the work.  Please return this work back to school the following day.  These assignments will be used as a formal grade.  

As always, if you have any questions or concerns please don't hesitate to email me at

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Open House Power Point

If you are interested in viewing the power point from open house, please send me an email and I will be happy to share it with you.  Thanks!
Mrs. Bishop

Sunday, August 3, 2014


I can't believe our first week of second grade has already come and gone!  I hope your child enjoyed their first week of the 2014-2015 school year :)  We spent a lot of time practicing classroom procedures and reviewing expectations.  Almost every student turned in their homework this past Friday-thank you!  If your child did not turn in his or her homework, please send it is as soon as possible.  Reminder:  Homework is due every Friday and students will spend time working during STARS Friday if it is not turned in.  Thank you in advance for supporting your child with this procedure.

Practice Work Versus Assessments:  Each Friday, your child will bring home their Friday folder with practice work they completed throughout the week.  You will see a P written on this work.  Please review the work with your child for mistakes, as I glance over this work but do not always check every problem for accuracy.  If you see work in your child's green daily folder on the side that says "return to school", please review the grade (score of 1, 2, 3, or 4) and initial to indicate that you have seen the work.  Please return the work back to school the following day.  These assignments will be used as a formal grade.  

Lunch: Our lunch time is each day at 11:55.  You are welcome to come eat with your child any day!

Volunteers:  If you are interested in volunteering, please stop by the office to renew your application. Volunteers must be approved before volunteering in the classroom or joining us on field trips.

As always, please email me with any questions or concerns.  I am looking forward to a great year in second grade!

Ms. Bishop