Sunday, October 27, 2013

Curriculum Focus

Math-We are learning about place value (tens and ones), we are learning how to use ten sticks and ones to represent each number.  In class we use sticks to represent the tens place in a number and circles to represent the ones place in a number.  For example, in the number 82.  We would draw 8 sticks and 2 circles.   We are also learning how to compare two numbers with symbols, words, and ten sticks/ones. 

Reading-We are beginning to focus on reading/writing words with long vowels.  We are also focusing on retelling stories using the fiction story star.  Please remind your child to use this star when retelling stories at home.  

Writing-We are learning how to write persuasive letters.  Students are learning what different types of letters look like and how to use the basic format to write letters of their own.  We will use a special checklist to ensure we are including all the items we need in a persuasive letter.

Science-We are starting our unit on rocks.  How are rocks alike/different?  What happens when you rub rocks together?  What happens when you wash rocks in water?  Be sure to ask your first grade scientist/geologist :)


Friday, October 25, 2013

Report Cards Update

Dear Trailblazer Parents,

Please see the information below regarding Track 4 student report cards. They have been delayed due to system software issues. This information came home today with every student on Track 4. It is also posted on our school website. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thank you, Mrs. Graf 

Dear Parents, 

Due to an unanticipated software outage in a statewide computer system, first-quarter report cards for Track 4 students will be sent home beginning next week.

Pearson, the third-party software provider, is currently working to address the outage in its system, which has impacted teachers throughout the state. Once the system is restored, teachers will be able to continue to enter grades, and schools will be able to print report cards.

Based on communication from the software company, we anticipate that Track 4 report cards will be available beginning Friday, November 1.

Thank you,

Wake County Public School System

Queridos padres:

Debido a un interrupción en el sistema informático de todo el estado, las boletas de calificaciones del primer trimestre de los estudiantes con Ciclo 4 serán enviadas a casa empezando la próxima semana.

Pearson, el proveedor tercero de software, está trabajando actualmente para tratar la interrupción en su sistema, que ha impactado los maestros de todo el estado. Una vez que el sistema se restablece, los maestros podrán seguir entrando las notas y las escuelas podrán imprimir las boletas de calificaciones.

Basándose en la comunicación de la compañía, anticipamos que las boletas de calificaciones de los estudiantes con el Ciclo 4 estarán disponibles a partir del viernes 1 de noviembre.


Wake County Public School System

Coin Drive Reward

Pizza Party-Thank you PTA :)

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Field Trips

FYI: Our grade level is in the process of planning two field trips for this school year.  Dates are tentative and subject to change.  More information to come!

Marbles Museum-tracks 2, 3, and 4 are all scheduled for March 18th

Poe Health Center-tracks 3 and 4 are scheduled for May 16th

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

place value stations

We are learning how to count by tens and ones.  Students worked in small groups to practice counting with hands on materials such as lollipops/beads and drawing pictorial representations.  Students also enjoyed using our classroom computers and Ipads to practice math concepts taught.  Check out our pics!

Monday, October 21, 2013



FYI: Students spend time here at school visiting the Tumblebooks website. This website has a variety of leveled books for your child to read. The website also has comprehension quizes that your child can take. Please assist your child in locating the website at home and have him/her read books from home several nights each week. It is a wonderful site to use at school and home to help improve reading!

Username: banksrd
Password: books 


Tuesday, October 22nd: Career Day (What you want to be when you grow up) ;)
Wednesday, October 23rd: Pajama Day

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Halloween "Boo-Grams"

The Student Council will be selling Halloween "Boo-Grams" from Monday, October 28th through Thursday, October 31st. Students will be able to purchase these 'boo-grams' to send to friends in other classes. We will be selling these during arrival time for 25cents each. "Boo-Grams" will be delivered to homeroom classes by Student Council representatives between 9:00 & 9:15 a.m. starting on Tuesday, October 29th. The last delivery day will be Friday, November 1st.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

This Friday, October 11th we will be sending home the new elementary report cards with all students on Tracks 1, 2 and 3. Track 4 will receive their report cards on Friday, Oct. 25th.  These new report cards are formatted different from report cards in the past. I am sharing information from the WCPSS website with you to support your understanding of the new report card and its components.

The report cards will be accompanied by a letter giving you additional information. Please read below for more information on the grading scale and the report card distribution schedule.

Students will be evaluated on a 4-point scale, with a score of 1 showing that the student does not yet demonstrate an understanding of the standards, and a score of 4 indicating the student consistently demonstrates in-depth understanding of the concepts being taught.

Every report card will be accompanied by a guide showing parents how to interpret the new information it provides. View the guide and a helpful video online.

Report cards are just one way for teachers to communicate with students and parents about a student’s academic achievement, work habits, and classroom behavior. Parents may also request a conference with the teacher to discuss their student’s progress and ways to support their learning in and out of school.

As always, please feel free to contact me or your child's teacher should you have any questions. Thank you, Mrs. Graf

Report card schedule

Friday, October 11
Modified-calendar schools
Year-round schools
(Tracks 1, 2, 3)

Friday, October 25
Year-round schools
(Track 4)

Monday, November 4
Traditional-calendar schools

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Questions for Informational Text (Non-Fiction)

Informational Text (Non-fiction) -What is the main idea of the text? -What did you learn from reading the text? -Are there any words that you do not know what they mean? -What are some new words that you learned? -Do you have any questions after reading? -Were there any important features (charts, diagrams, pictures) that were important? -Where could you find more information about this topic? -Did you like this text? Why or why not?

Questions for Fiction Text

Fiction Text -Who is the main character? Describe the main character-What did the character do? What did the character say? How did the character feel? -What was the setting (when and where) -What was the problem in the story and how was it solved (solution)? -What do you think will happen next in the story? -Why do you think the author chose the title for the story? -Do you like the title of the story? Why or why not? -Can you think of a different title for the story? -Which character from the story would you choose to be your friend? Why? -What part of the story was the most exciting? Why? -Did you like the end of the story? Why or why not? -Describe what happened first, next, then, and last (sequential order)and be sure to include lots of details