Thursday, July 28, 2011

Student Access to Online Books

I am excited to share that your child can access online books from home! Please visit Go to the tumblebook library and type in the username and password.

Username: banksrd
Password: books

This is a fabulous site for your child to visit. He/she can read books online and then take a quiz to make sure he/she is comprehending what is read. There are also fun games on the site for your child to play.


Batteries Needed

We are in need of both double A and triple A batteries for our classroom. We use these batteries for our Tag Pens and for flash light reading! If you have any batteries at home that you are willing to donate to our classroom, please send them in. Thanks so much!

Scholastic News

Dear Parents,
This year, one of the special classes that the students are attending is library. During this time, Ms. DiBona will be focusing on fiction and non-fiction reading skills, while also incorporating instruction in social studies, science, helpful living, technology, and writing.

The students will be using Scholastic News as the basis for these lessons. This is a newspaper full of current events that is strictly tailored for 1st grade students. After instruction, they will be taking the newspapers home to share with their family. They will receive 4 newspapers per month, beginning in September.

Please send in $5.00 no later than August 31st to cover the cost of your child’s subscription for the year. If possible, please write a check made out to Scholastic News. If you would rather send cash, please send in the exact amount, as we will not be able to make change.

*If you would be willing to donate $5.00 into a scholarship fund for those who may not be able to order a subscription, please indicate below, and we will contact you if this is needed.

We are excited about having this wonderful resource, and appreciate your help in obtaining it!
~The First Grade Team

Open House

Open House is scheduled for track 3 on August 18th from 5:00-6:00. We will review the classroom/first grade procedures and expectations. This will be a time for you to ask any general questions that you may have. Your child will also have the opportunity to show you around our classroom and school. Hope to see you then!

Friday, July 22, 2011

What are we learning about in first grade?

We have been working very hard to establish our daily routines and procedures. I am very proud of the progress we have made!

Math-We have spent the last 2 weeks reviewing number writing, patterns, shapes, color words, and addition. We have spent a lot of our math time learning about "partners." We use this term to help students understand the concept of addition. For example, 2 and 4 are both partners of 6. We have worked on problem solving twice this week in our math notebooks. One problem involved addition (15 + 7) and another problem involved fair share (15 pencils to share fairly with 5 friends). We will continue to work on problem solving each week. Please be sure to ask your child about the problem solving activities we do in class each week. These problems are not sent home for you to see each week because they are kept in our math notebooks here at school.

Literacy-We spend a lot of time working on our reading and writing each day in first grade. Reading and writing is integrated into everything we do-even math. So far we have spent time reviewing letters, sounds, and handwriting (as you have seen the sheets coming home). While these activities may seem simple for your child, it is very important that they are producing the sounds and forming the letters correctly. These are the basic fundamentals for building on what we are going to be learning. You may hear your child refer to Wilson’s Fundations at some point this year. Wilson’s Fundations is a literacy program that we are using each day in first grade to help us learn to read and spell words correctly. In addition to this program, we have a time each day to practice our reading and writing, both in large and small groups. Your child should be able to tell you all about our writer’s workshop and work stations that we do every afternoon.

Social Studies-We have been learning about ourselves and our friends-how we are alike and different. We are also beginning to learn about how families and groups are alike and different.

More Information Regarding Homework

Attention Parents:

Homework folders and homework are due every Friday. Most of the students turned in their homework today-thank you! We did however have a couple of students forget to return their homework today. If your child did not return his/her homework today, please have him/her return it on Monday. It is very important that the students are getting into the homework routine. Students should begin taking responsibility for completing their homework and returning it back to school every Friday.

Starting next week, I will begin to hold each student accountable for their homework on Fridays. Each Friday afternoon after recess, we will begin having free choice time. The students really enjoy this time with their classmates. Friday free choice will only be allowed for students who turn in their completed homework on Friday. If your child forgets to turn in his or her homework on Friday, he/she will complete the homework during Friday free choice time (even if he/she has already completed it once at home). I do understand that mistakes happen and we all forget things from time to time. This policy will only be implemented once your child has not returned his or her homework for the second time. Thank you for your support and understanding.

J. Bishop

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Homework for the week of July 25th

Homework for the week of July 25th
Sight Words: Starting this week, I will assign both a list A and a list B. Students should self-assess themselves to see which list to focus on. If your child can read and spell the words in list A independently, then he/she may choose to work on list B. Your child may also find that he/she needs to focus on several words from each list. Please note: students are not expected to work on both lists. The goal is for students to be able to independently read and spell as many of these words as possible.

List A

List B

-Read for at least 10 minutes
-Complete math page 15
-Make flash cards for each of the sight words

-Read for at least 10 minutes
-Complete math page 16
-Practice reading the 5 sight words

-Read for at least 10 minutes
-Complete math page 17
-Choose one of the following activities to do with your sight words: type the words on a computer, write the consonants in black and vowels in red, or write each word in a sentence. This assignment should be placed in your child’s homework folder and returned back to school on Friday.

-Read for at least 10 minutes
-Complete math page 18
-Continue to practice reading and writing the 5 sight words if you are still having difficulty. This assignment does not need to be returned back to school.

-No homework-have a fabulous track out!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Ronald McDonald

In Your Community…
"It's Book Time with Ronald McDonald!®" is an entertaining and
inspirational Ronald McDonald show that addresses the topic of
reading in a fun and relevant way for elementary school students.
Through the use of magic, music, puppets, audience participation,
and, of course, lots of laughter, Ronald McDonald brings a very
powerful message to the children around the world – the value of
books and the enjoyment that comes from reading.
Tuesday, July 26 @ 6:30 pm
Tarboro Road Community Center
121 N. Tarboro St.
(919) 831-6505

Monday, July 18, 2011


Homework for the week of July 18th
Sight words: a, and, all, are, at
-Read for at least 10 minutes
-Complete math page 9
-Make flash cards for each of the sight words

-Read for at least 10 minutes
-Complete math page 10
-Practice reading the 5 sight words

-Read for at least 10 minutes
-Complete math page 11
-Choose one of the following activities to do with your sight words: type the words on a computer, write the consonants in black and vowels in red, or write each word in a sentence. This assignment should be placed in your child’s homework folder and returned back to school on Friday.

-Read for at least 10 minutes
-Complete math page 12
-Continue to practice reading and writing the 5 sight words if you are still having difficulty. This assignment does not need to be returned back to school.

Friday-No homework-have a great weekend!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Classroom Information

Congratulations, we have all survived our first week of first grade! The students have worked very hard this week learning the classroom rules and procedures!

I am pleased to hear that many of the students were excited about having homework. While your child may be anxious to work on all of the homework in one or two nights, my goal is for students to work on homework every night. Starting next week. I will be attaching a brief explanation of which assignments your child should complete each night. Please do not send homework folders back to school until Friday of each week. Thank you!

On days that we have PE it is very important that your child wear appropriate shoes. Our class specials schedule can be found on our classroom blog page. Please remember to visit our classroom blog each week for updates. My goal is to post updates by Sunday of each week. *If you do not have access to the Internet, please let me know so that I can print off a hard copy of the updates I post on my blog each week. Unless I receive a request from you in writing, I will not plan to send home a hard copy with your child.

Please remember to send a healthy snack with your child daily, as I do not have extra snacks on hand. Thank you for your help with this!

If you are interested in being a classroom volunteer, please be sure to fill out a volunteer application and let me know when you have been approved by the county for this school year. Our work stations (centers) are scheduled each day from 1:15-2:30. We can always use help during this time.

Our class will have media (library) as a special this school year. Students will be asked to return books only on this day. Please make sure your child brings back his/her library book on our assigned library day.

Specials Schedule for this week and the next 2 weeks (until we track out)

Visit the Banks Road Art Room blog! This blog will be a place to discover interesting online activities, and fun community arts happenings, as well as show off what our Banks Road Artists have been up to! Check it out at

Physical education has a BLOG! Follow the link below for news and information about the PE program. Ms. Williford will post bi-monthly “Home Play Activities” for your children to try. Please check it out!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Welcome to First Grade!

I just want to say welcome and thank you so much for taking time to visit our class blog! Please check back this weekend for classroom updates. My goal is to post updates by Sunday of each week. I am looking forward to a wonderful school year!