Wednesday, February 16, 2011

School Wide Project-Note from Art Teacher Ms. Stephenson

“Weaving Your History, A Fabric Time Capsule”

List of suggestions that can be woven into the

Fabric Time Capsule

To all students, teachers and staff

Please bring to school an item(s) that represents who you are, what is important to you at this time in your life to weave into the Fabric Time Capsule. The item can be of sentimental value to weave into the tapestry. A 300-year-old loom is used during the weaving residency.

The items are a permanent part of the Tapestry. You do not get them back but are able to see them in the Tapestry everyday in school.

Teachers/Staff and Family members: Encourage your students, as often as possible, how we would love to see their items woven into this wonderful wall-hanging. They are welcome to get ideas from the list below as well as choose items that are not on this list. Teachers please gather items ahead of time and store in your classroom. Your involvement is a crucial part of the preparation.

Suggested items to bring: Please remember these items will not be returned

Scarf Scout scarf and badges, etc.

Belt Shoes (small)/socks

Paintbrush Musical Instrument Parts/Sheet Music

Costume jewelry Shoestrings

Ribbon Lace

Rick Rack Card (sports, playing etc)

Ballet shoes Toe Shoes

Costume parts Computer parts (mouse, cord, disc)

Hair ornaments (hair bands, clasps) rope/string

Plastic bags Silk or Plastic Flowers

Shiny paper or cloth Ruler, Yardstick

Small stuffed animals (Beanie Baby Size) Ties

Medals, award ribbons Dog Collars/Leashes

Pom Poms Swim Goggles

Jump Rope Sheet Music/Instrument strings

Match Box Cars or other very small toys Photos (small) must be laminated prior to class

Sports equipment, hockey stick, small ball, small child’s bat

Cloth strips: 18-36 inches long and width 1-2 inches wide/all colors and types/cut the ends at a diagonal

Please do not bring:

Drawings on paper unless they are 2in x 2in, Hats, pencils, pens,

Be creative and bring something special to you!