Thursday, September 8, 2011

Homework for the week of September 12th

*Students should choose a spelling activity to complete each night (see the suggested activities in your child's homework folder)
*Spelling homework does not need to be returned to school.
*All students should be reading each night for a minimum of ten minutes. Please look in your child's Friday folder for a list of questions to ask when your child reads at home. I suggest focusing on one of the questions each week. For example, ask your child to tell you the setting (when and where) every night for a week. The following week you may want to focus on having your child make a connection to the main topic each night. Retelling the events in sequential order with details requires lots of practice. We focus on this in class a lot but this is definitely a concept that all first grade students need to practice at home. Thank you in advance for working with your child on these skills!

List A: we, no, not, out, up
List B: also, around, before, every, follow

-Read for at least 10 minutes
-Complete math page 35
-Choose a spelling activity to complete

-Read for at least 10 minutes
-Complete math page 36
-Choose a different spelling activity to complete

-Read for at least 10 minutes
-Complete math page 47
-Choose a different spelling activity to complete

-Read for at least 10 minutes
-Complete math page 48
-Choose a different spelling activity to complete

-No homework, have a great weekend!