Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Update 8-21-12

Thanks for taking time to check our classroom blog!  My original plan was to update our blog by Friday of each week but I'm learning that this is a lot easier said than done :)

In class, we continue to work hard each and every day!  In math we have continued to focus on calendar concepts and representing numbers in a variety of ways.  When problem solving, students are working towards equations and drawing pictorial representations to match their equations.  Students are encouraged to draw circles with a break apart line instead of taking time to draw beautiful pictures.  We have discussed that math is not always pretty :)

 In writing, I have started writing conferences with individual students.  I look forward to using the data collected to begin forming small groups to focus on specific skills.  Daily 5 is still a work in progress.  Students are doing very well working independently.  We will begin reading groups very soon!

Today we began working as scientists and the students had the opportunity to experiment with a card board crayfish.  Our little scientists came up with a question, formed a hypothesis, experimented, came to a conclusion, and tomorrow they will record their observations.

I am excited about all of the work that we are all doing together!  It's hard to believe we are into our fourth week of school.  Soon I will be sending home a sign up for our first quarter parent/teacher conference.  More information to come...

Thank you to those who attended our open house last week.  I will be sure to post the parent links onto our blog later this week.

Have a great week!
Mrs. Bishop