Friday, September 14, 2012

Grade Level Basket for Fall Festival

The PTA is hosting a basket raffle at the Fall Festival, Octiber 26th, to

go specifically toward the field trip fund. Tickets will be $1 each or 11

for $10. Proceeds from the basket raffle will be distributed per grade

level depending on how much your grade level basket(s) earn at the

festival. The PTA will be sending out an email to ask those on our mailing

list to reach out to their child's teacher if they wish to help coordinate

the class/grade level basket(s). Because we do not have emails for every

parent in the school, we need you help by communicating to your class

parents and see if any of them are interest in helping coordinate the

basket(s).  Each basket should have a theme and your students can bring in things

related to that theme to help fill the basket. Your class may work

individually or team up with other classes in your grade level. It is

likely that several baskets representing your grade will raise more money

for your grade’s field trips.

Mrs. Bishop's Class and Mrs. Sinnott's Class will be responsible for creating 'Movie Night' baskets.  Please email Mrs. Bishop and/or Mrs. Sinnott if you are interested and willing to help with this basket.  Your help is VERY much appreciated! 

Questions/Concerns can also be sent to:
Heather Burgin at with: