Thursday, November 21, 2013

Winter Service Project

The First Grade Team at Banks Road has decided on our winter service project for this year. We would like to try and bless people in our community that may not otherwise be blessed this holiday season. The children voted and have decided to collect items to help those less fortunate keep warm this winter. Please look through your closets for items like coats, sweatshirts, hats, mittens, and blankets that you and your family have either outgrown or, like many of us,  just have a few too many of.  You can even recruit neighbors and other family members to clean out their closets and donate as well.
Please send in clean, gently-used items by Friday, December 5th. We will donate these items to various homeless shelters and outreach centers throughout our community.
This is a great opportunity to teach your children about the joys of giving and helping those in need. Thank you so much for your generosity.

The First Grade Team