Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Challenge Words

So here we are, another snow day!  I'm sure that all of you are busy working on school work so I just wanted to provide a brief explanation for the challenge words.

Challenge words are mostly nonsense words (not real).  They are mostly multisyllabic words that follow phonics patterns that have been taught so far in class.  Your child may choose the activity for practicing these words.  Examples include: ABC order (although this has not been formally taught in class yet), typing the words on the computer, rainbow write, chalk write, etc. These words are great practice for strengthening your child's spelling and they will not be assessed in class.  As always, please let me know if you have any questions.

Stay warm and enjoy the day!  Remember we have several days of Saturday school to practice our spelling :) Please refer to the WCPSS website for these dates.
Mrs. Bishop