Monday, July 18, 2011


Homework for the week of July 18th
Sight words: a, and, all, are, at
-Read for at least 10 minutes
-Complete math page 9
-Make flash cards for each of the sight words

-Read for at least 10 minutes
-Complete math page 10
-Practice reading the 5 sight words

-Read for at least 10 minutes
-Complete math page 11
-Choose one of the following activities to do with your sight words: type the words on a computer, write the consonants in black and vowels in red, or write each word in a sentence. This assignment should be placed in your child’s homework folder and returned back to school on Friday.

-Read for at least 10 minutes
-Complete math page 12
-Continue to practice reading and writing the 5 sight words if you are still having difficulty. This assignment does not need to be returned back to school.

Friday-No homework-have a great weekend!