Friday, July 22, 2011

What are we learning about in first grade?

We have been working very hard to establish our daily routines and procedures. I am very proud of the progress we have made!

Math-We have spent the last 2 weeks reviewing number writing, patterns, shapes, color words, and addition. We have spent a lot of our math time learning about "partners." We use this term to help students understand the concept of addition. For example, 2 and 4 are both partners of 6. We have worked on problem solving twice this week in our math notebooks. One problem involved addition (15 + 7) and another problem involved fair share (15 pencils to share fairly with 5 friends). We will continue to work on problem solving each week. Please be sure to ask your child about the problem solving activities we do in class each week. These problems are not sent home for you to see each week because they are kept in our math notebooks here at school.

Literacy-We spend a lot of time working on our reading and writing each day in first grade. Reading and writing is integrated into everything we do-even math. So far we have spent time reviewing letters, sounds, and handwriting (as you have seen the sheets coming home). While these activities may seem simple for your child, it is very important that they are producing the sounds and forming the letters correctly. These are the basic fundamentals for building on what we are going to be learning. You may hear your child refer to Wilson’s Fundations at some point this year. Wilson’s Fundations is a literacy program that we are using each day in first grade to help us learn to read and spell words correctly. In addition to this program, we have a time each day to practice our reading and writing, both in large and small groups. Your child should be able to tell you all about our writer’s workshop and work stations that we do every afternoon.

Social Studies-We have been learning about ourselves and our friends-how we are alike and different. We are also beginning to learn about how families and groups are alike and different.